About Us

 Nawa Books 

Enlightening Minds, Nurturing Hearts and Enlightened Souls


Assalamualaikum! Welcome to NAWA Books, a sanctuary for those seeking to enrich their hearts, minds, and souls. Founded in 2016 by our founders who studied in and were inspired by the wisdom of Damascus scholars in Syria. our vision is to spread the joy of reading and acquiring knowledge to our community in this region.  We are the first in Singapore to specialise in publishing and translating Islamic academia and self-help literature from Syrian scholars.

Our brand name, NAWA Books, is named in honor of the esteemed Imam Nawawi, and serves as a bridge connecting timeless Islamic teachings with today's readers.  This connection is visually symbolised by the flourishing tree in our logo, with its deep green leaves and light yellow blossoms—a vivid reminder of the enduring tradition of learning and wisdom that Imam Nawawi championed. The green signifies a steadfast pursuit of growth and renewal in our understanding of the divine, mirroring our dedication to offering literature that enriches the mind, uplifts the soul, and purifies the heart. The light yellow, with its soft radiance, represents the clarity, wisdom, and enlightenment we aim to impart through our carefully curated books.

At NAWA Books, we are more than just a bookstore but a bridge for individuals seeking knowledge and its ability to change minds, elevate the soul, purify the heart, achieve true happiness, and inspire people everywhere. Guided by the motto "READ = اقرأ," we are committed to translating and publishing the insights of Muslim scholars and Syrian Ulama, thereby connecting their lasting legacy with English-speaking audiences.

We invite you to join our community, whether to exchange greetings, ask questions, or seek book recommendations that resonate with your spiritual journey. Connect with us at nawabooks@gmail.com or follow our path on Instagram @nawa.books.

Embark on a journey of discovery with NAWA Books, where each page illuminates a step toward wisdom, and every book opens a gateway to new worlds of knowledge, and self-discovery. May Allah SWT bless our collective quest for knowledge, and may He grant us all true happiness in this life and the hereafter, Ameen.


Vision Statement:

"To be a leading English-translated Syrian Islamic books  publisher, inspiring knowledge acquisition and self-empowerment globally.”


Mission Statement:

“To curate a diverse collection of translated Islamic literature, provide accessible resources, and cultivate a community-driven platform that promotes lifelong learning and personal growth."